He is a great mind. His thinking level is also very great. Such a mind can only see the vision of developed India in 20201.He mostly inspires with his speech. His main focus is to encourage the youth with his voice because youth are the power of the nation who can build their great and developed. He says that the ignited minds of youth are the most powerful resource on the earth above the earth and under the earth.
He also encourage teacher to give good education to youth. He says “the aim of the teacher and should be should be build character and incalculate values that enhance the learning to be innovative and creative which in turn will make them competitive to force the future. Teachers are normally attracted towards the few best students and constantly encourage them to succeed further. However a very important role of teacher is to facillate better understanding and learning in those students who are weak in studies. Such a teacher is the real Guru
But the main themes of his all speech are towards fulfilling his dream to make India developed in 2020. It is not a small plan because India still in a category of developing and India is still facing so many problems like poverty. So it will be great project. So he tells that small aim is also a crime.